SUPPORT US Through Patreon

For just $1 a month, you can unlock members-only-content.

We are a crowdfunded club and we rely on donations from Patrons like you. All the revenue we make goes directly to our content and videos and we don't make any money from this. Please consider supporting us through Patreon.

Patreon is a way for you to support our club while also getting exclusive benefits such as weekly updates, on-screen credits, and much more members-only-content. 

Here is a list of prices and benefits you get from Patreon

And remember, you can cancel ANYTIME


By becoming a Patron you will get:

  • Access to a weekly update post so you know what's going on!
  • An on screen credit on all of our videos released while you are a Patron!
  • Cool exclusive pictures

$1 a month

Early Access

Each month you will get access to the following benefits along with our everlasting thanks:

  • A sneek peek at our next project/video!
  • You will get at least one new rocket review as well as all previous reviews!
  • You will also get access to all the weekly posts on Patreon!
  • Early access to review videos.
  • On screen credit on every video we release while you are a Patron!

The posts contain build tips, rocket reviews, and all the crazy projects we do!
All previous tier benefits included 

$2.99 a month

Exclusive Voting Power 

You get the power to vote on what rockets we review each month!
  • Choose a rocket we review (the choices are determined from Patrons in tier three).
  • On the review video you voted on, we will mention your name personally.
  • For the review you voted on, we will send you a link to exclusive pictures and videos of the specific rocket.
All lower tier rewards are included!
*Featured names and media are only on the rocket that you voted on.

$9.99 a month

Vote Influencer

You get to determine what other Patrons will vote on for reviews.

  • You get to choose the candidates of the review vote.
    • If you choose a rocket, it will go into a vote along with other rocket suggestions and Patrons will vote on the different selections.
    • If your rocket is chosen for the review, we will buy the rocket (must be within guidelines)*, build it, fly it, and review it.
  • In each video, we will give a personal thank you!
  • We will mail you a personal thank you note with pictures.
  • All lower tier rewards are include

More details on selections and shipping on Patreon

$19.99 a month

Unlock awesome content for just $1 a month!

NM Rocketry Reviews
All rights reserved June 2020
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